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Video gaming is one of the underrated activity in our society. My blogs talks about the health benefits of video gaming and also provides an automated solution to a major problem gamers and other PC users in general encounter. Read the blogs to find out 😉.

Jan 23: Week_2: Cost-Benefit Analysis of My Automation Journey: A Personal Perspective

Embarking on the journey of automation has been a significant undertaking for me, both in terms of time invested and resources utilized. As I reflect on the process and consider the potential long-term gains, the question of whether my automation efforts are economically beneficial naturally arises. In this blog, I’ll delve into the specifics, sharing insights into the time and resources dedicated to automation, as well as the anticipated savings over the next five years.

The Initial Investment:

Implementing automation in any project requires a considerable initial investment, ranging from the time spent researching and planning to the resources allocated for development and testing. In my case, developing a Python script for monitoring PC performance and network connection involved a thoughtful consideration of various factors, including script functionality, libraries, and platform compatibility.

Time Investment: The research phase alone demanded a significant chunk of time, I would say weeks infact, as I explored relevant Python libraries, consulted documentation, and refined the scope of my automation project. Writing and testing the script further added to the time investment, with a focus on ensuring reliability and adaptability to different system configurations.

Resource Utilization: Beyond time, there were resource considerations, including the use of a virtual environment for safe testing and development. The script’s reliance on external libraries such as psutil and speedtest meant incorporating these resources into the project.

Anticipated Savings Over the Next 5 Years:

While the initial investment was substantial, the real measure of the economic benefit lies in the savings and efficiencies gained over time. Here’s a breakdown of how my automation project is poised to contribute to time and resource savings in the next five years:

Time Efficiency: The primary purpose of the automation script is to consistently monitor PC performance and network connection. In a manual scenario, performing these checks regularly would consume a non-trivial amount of time. With automation, these checks happen seamlessly in the background, freeing up valuable time for more strategic and creative tasks.

Reduced Downtime: By proactively monitoring and identifying potential issues, the automation script contributes to minimizing system downtime. This translates to increased productivity as disruptions are addressed promptly, reducing the time and resources that would be spent troubleshooting and resolving issues reactively.

Long-Term Adaptability: As technology evolves, the script can be adapted and updated to accommodate changes in system requirements or incorporate new features. This long-term adaptability contributes to sustained savings by avoiding the need for frequent overhauls or replacements.

Resource Optimization: The script’s efficiency in resource utilization is a key factor in its economic benefit. It operates with minimal impact on system resources, ensuring that the monitoring process itself doesn’t introduce inefficiencies or consume excessive computing power.

Economic Benefit Assessment:

Now, the critical question: Is my automation economically beneficial? The answer hinges on the balance between the initial investment and the anticipated savings over the next five years.

Positive ROI: Considering the time and resource savings outlined, the Return on Investment (ROI) is poised to be positive. The initial investment, though significant, becomes a worthwhile expenditure when weighed against the efficiency gains and reduced downtime facilitated by the automation script.

Increased Productivity: From a productivity standpoint, the automation script enhances my workflow by handling repetitive monitoring tasks. This efficiency boost contributes to a more streamlined and productive work environment.

Valuable Learning Experience: Beyond the economic perspective, the automation journey has provided invaluable learning experiences. The skills acquired in scripting, problem-solving, and project management are assets that extend beyond this specific project.

Final Thoughts:

In conclusion, my automation journey has been a nuanced exploration of balancing initial investments with long-term gains. While the upfront costs were tangible in terms of time and resources, the script’s efficiency, adaptability, and time savings position it as a valuable asset over the next five years.

As I continue to refine and expand my automation toolkit, the economic benefits extend beyond immediate time and resource savings. The script represents an investment in efficiency, productivity, and skill development, all contributing to a more sustainable and resilient approach to managing technology.

In my next two blogs I would talk about the problems I faced while trying to develop the script and how I figured it out. Hopefully, they would provide solutions to problems you may face. The link is below
