4. My Automation Idea
Problem and possible Solution
My idea for the project is to design a code that helps me automate the process of opening web links for a particular day of the week, I like to be very organized and I like following tasks on a schedule and found it appropriate to let a code do the same for me.
I know that I have to find a way to open links from the terminal, I have to find a commmand that allows me to open a specific link, this is my main concern because this action is the one that it’s gonna tell me if this is possible.
On another note, I know that I have to define a variable ‘day’ with the current day of the week from the computer, I need to figure out a command to help me retrieve that information so that I can plug it into a ‘‘elif’ condition’ command, which will allow me to perform an action depending on a variable, in this case, it will open specific links depending on the day, by the end I’m just gonna need to define specific links based on my actual class schedule for this WS 24-25 semster (HI-1).
The purpose is to save time, even though I have bookmarks of my iLearn platform and student email, I still have to look for the correct ilearn class platform everytime I log in, and some courses, like GBAC, don’t use the ilearn platform, so, this is a way I can adapt to the situation.
For now, this is just my thought, it’s basically the idea after a quick brainstorming process, and I have not actually started writing any code, I really like this idea, because I will be able to use it each semester by assigning different links within the code…